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Export of Products

Export of ALTES products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All ALTES products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant ALTES: flaw detectors, general-purpose converters, specialized, for underwater ultrasonic testing, connecting cables, matching filters, standard kits, standard samples, automated installations
  • Installation of AUZK bars ALTES
    Installation of AUZK bars
    No. 28, etc.
  • Flaw detectors ALTES
    Flaw detectors
    SKARUCH-PV1, etc.
  • Preobrazhov.general purpose ALTES
    Preobrazhov.general purpose
    P111-1.25S, etc.
  • Preobrazhov.specialized ALTES
    RSM-5F-Ø16, etc.
  • Installing AUZK sheets ALTES
    Installing AUZK sheets
    No. 29, etc.
  • Install.AUZK valk.rental.mill ALTES
    Install.AUZK valk.rental.mill
    1200mm, etc.
  • Installation of AUZK for pipes ALTES
    Installation of AUZK for pipes
    5.03 et al.
  • Devices of the mechanized criminal code ALTES
    Devices of the mechanized criminal code
    UMBT-2, etc.
  • Preobrazhov.for underwater narrow ALTES
    Preobrazhov.for underwater narrow
    P121-1,8-40SPC, etc.
  • Connecting cables ALTES
    Connecting cables
    lemo 0 + CP50, etc.
  • Matching filters ALTES
    Matching filters
    CP50 , etc .
  • Standard kits ALTES
    Standard kits
    SKARUCH et al .
  • Standard samples ALTES
    Standard samples
    CO-2, etc.
  • Manual control devices ALTES
    Manual control devices
    UN-1 and others.


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